
After Effects (AE) Scripts

Purchase these Adobe After Effects scripts to streamline your AE workflow.

Separate Text

Split an Adobe After Effects text layer into individual characters or words, with each character on its own text layer. Each character is positioned correctly within the composition and can then be individually keyframed.

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Paste Text Style

Copy and paste character and paragraph formatting between text layers. Choose which text properties you wish to paste, such as font, size, color, alignment, tracking and more.

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Import Markers

Import markers into After Effects from a CSV or tab delimited text file.

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Import Subtitles

Import subtitles into After Effects using this simple and quick script. Supports all common subtitle formats.

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Import Text

Import text files into After Effects as text layers.

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Export Text

Script for exporting text out of After Effects.

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Split Comp At Markers

Automatically split After Effects layers at each layer marker position.

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Sync Keyframed Text Formats

Apply character and paragraph styles across all keyframes of text layers with a keyframed Source Text property.

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Find Overset Layers

Finds any layers in After Effects with edges that fall beyond the boundaries of the composition. Useful for finding subtitles that are too wide.

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